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 installuserfont()       Install a User Font

 #include   <graphics.h>

 int far installuserfont(fname);
 char far *fname;       Name of the file containing the stroked font.

        This function may be used to load a .CHR file that is not a
        built in part of the C++ graphics system. The maximum nuber of
        fonts that can be loaded is twenty.

    Returns:    The font ID number corresponding to the new font.
                if an error occurred, grERROR (-11) is returned.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
        This example installs a .CHR file called MY_FILE.CHR.

           #include <graphics.h>

           int gdriver = DETECT;
           int gmode;

               int myfont;

               myfont = installuserfont("MY_FILE.CHR");

See Also: settextstyle()
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